Let me guess: You've found great travel insurance on Seguros Promo, but you're not sure whether or not to trust the site to actually make the purchase. got it right? Well, if that's your case, check out our complete content below with all the essential information on the site.
Right away we can assure you that the site Seguros Promo is reliable indeed. And this is not salesman talk, but consumer talk. Whenever we need to buy insurance for our trips, we use this platform.
It is great and very simple to use, with excellent insurance companies that really meet the needs and/or emergencies that can happen on a trip. And they are plans that apply to the most diverse types of travel: national, international, exchange, maritime, long-term, for the elderly, for pregnant women and so on.
But maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves. How about first understanding how the platform works? Or know your review on Reclame Aqui? This information and much more can be found below, check it out:
In this post you will see:
- What is Promo Insurance?
- Insurance Promo in Reclame Aqui
- Is Promo Insurance Reliable?
- Is it worth taking out insurance at Seguros Promo?
- Insurance Promo discount coupon
- How much does a plan at Seguros Promo cost?
- How does Promo Insurance work?
- What travel insurance plans does Seguros Promo offer?
- Which insurers are in Seguros Promo?
- Frequently Asked Questions
What is Promo Insurance?
The Seguros Promo website is an online platform that compares various insurance plans for national and international travel, with affordable prices and complete coverage.
Operating since 2016, the company is a partnership between the tourism agency Belvitur, which has been operating in Minas Gerais for almost 60 years, and the technology company 2XT specialized in specific software for the tourism sector.
Is Promo Insurance Good?
The Seguros Promo platform is very good and very simple to handle, which makes it even easier when buying your travel insurance. It offers the chance to compare up to four different plans, side by side, being able to evaluate what each one offers, what prices and the different services presented.
Check all travel insurance options.
Insurance Promo in Reclame Aqui
Registered for about 4 years in Reclame Aqui, the company Seguros Promo is evaluated as “Optimal”, reaching an overall grade of 8,8 on a scale of 10.
There have been more than 150 complaints over the years with 100% responses to all of them and around 94% of problems resolved. In addition, almost 90% of people who filed a claim also confirmed that they would do business with Seguros Promo again.
Is Promo Insurance Reliable?
Yes, Seguros Promo is reliable.
As we said at the beginning of the text, here at Travel Tips we are always buying travel insurance on this platform, so we know its efficiency in practice. In addition, the site is managed by the Belvitur agency, which has been operating in the tourism market for decades, and its software is offered by 2XT, a company specialized in technology. These elements alone are sufficient grounds to know that the company is trustworthy. But we can go further.
The excellent evaluation of Reclame Aqui also testifies in favor of Seguros Promo. And if you want more proof, it's worth checking the security padlock next to the url in your browser, and checking the information that confirms our arguments. You can also search for the company's CNPJ (17219734/0001-69) to find all the registration data.
Finally, in the footer of the site you will find the seals of Security and Credibility that attest to the reliability of the company.
Check all travel insurance options.
Is it worth taking out insurance at Seguros Promo?
Seguros Promo is not only a reliable company, but also guarantees the best insurance prices on the market. Just do a quick search to confirm that the prices shown on the website are cheaper than the prices available on the pages of the insurers themselves. And this is due to the large amount of insurance sold daily, which increases competition and ends up lowering prices for its customers.
So yes, it is worth hiring your travel insurance at Seguros Promo. Even more so when you have the possibility to use a nice discount coupon to lower the price offered by the company. And guess who has access to this coupon? ?
Check all travel insurance options.
Insurance Promo discount coupon
Travel Tips readers can use our coupon FORTRAVELOVERS and guarantee 5% off the final price. Too much, huh?
And there is still another 5% discount for those who pay with boleto, pix or transfer, and these discounts are cumulative. In other words, you can guarantee savings of up to 10% when purchasing your travel insurance. Also remembering that the purchase of insurance can be paid in up to 12 installments, making payment as easy as possible.
- Click to redeem coupon FORTRAVELOVERS and get 5% off
- Pay by boleto, Pix or wire transfer to earn an extra 5% and reach the 10% off!
How much does a plan at Seguros Promo cost?
It is possible to buy good travel insurance for prices from R$ 6 to 10 per day, on average. It is important to remember, however, that this amount varies according to the insured.
For example, an elderly person will have travel insurance a little more expensive than a 20-year-old, and an athlete who practices extreme sports will also have a plan with a slightly higher value. The same applies to pregnant women and so on.
However, insurance is, in general, very cheap and well worth it as it gives you the security of having a smooth trip, without worrying about how to deal with an emergency – just activate the insurance and it will take care of you.
Check all travel insurance options.
How does Promo Insurance work?
Right on the home page, select the continent of destination, enter the departure and arrival dates, fill in your name, your email, your telephone number and click on “search travel insurance".
You will be directed to a list of available insurance for the destination. To use the comparator, choose from two to four plans and select the option “compare plan“. Then click on the “compare“ on the lower right side of the screen. Ready! Now you can see the advantages of each insurance side by side to make a decision and finalize the purchase.
After hiring, you receive your travel insurance policy by email. Keep this document well, as it contains the general conditions of the contracted plan and all the information on how to call the insurance company in case of an emergency.
So, if there is any eventuality on the trip, you can contact the insurance company via phone, WhatsApp, online chat or email. All contact numbers and forms are available on the policy – so keep the document in an easily accessible place.
It is also worth remembering that all insurance companies listed on Seguros Promo have support 24 hours, seven days a week and entirely in Portuguese. That is, even if you are in France, don't worry, the service will be super easy!
Check all travel insurance options.
What travel insurance plans does Seguros Promo offer?
There are insurances for the most varied styles of travel. Below we list the most common types, and you can read more about them in our in-depth guides that better describe the particularities of each one. Just click above:
- international travel insurance
- national travel insurance
- Maternity travel insurance
- cruise travel insurance
- Multi trip travel insurance
- Multi-destination travel insurance
- annual travel insurance
- Long term travel insurance
- interchange travel insurance
- student travel insurance
Check all travel insurance options.
Which insurers are in Seguros Promo?
There are several companies in Seguros Promo, and we have a guide on the main ones to guide you in the search for the ideal plan. You can read our articles to learn more about the history of each insurer, which plans they offer and even their reputation on Reclame Aqui.
- Affinity
- Assist Card
- Coris Travel Insurance
- Assist Trip
- Assist Travel Insurance
- Intermac Assistance
- Vital Card
- ITA Travel
- travel care
- Universal Assistance
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Promo Insurance Reliable?Yes, Seguros Promo is reliable, as it is managed by the Belvitur agency, which has been operating in the tourism market for decades, and its software is offered by 2XT, a company specialized in technology. In addition, it has a great rating on Reclame Aqui and has the Security and Credibility seals on the site. See more details about Insurance Promo is reliable.
Is Promo Insurance Good?The Seguros Promo platform is very good and very simple to handle, which makes it even easier when buying travel insurance. It offers the chance to compare up to four different plans, side by side, being able to evaluate what each one offers, what prices and the different services presented. Read more details.
Is it worth taking out insurance at Seguros Promo?Is it worth taking out insurance on the Promo insurance because, in addition to being a reliable company, it also guarantees the best prices on the market. Explore.
How much does it cost to buy an insurance plan at Seguros Promo?It is possible to buy good travel insurance for prices from R$ 6 to 10 per day, on average. It is important to remember, however, that this amount varies according to the insured. Check why.
How does Promo Insurance work?Right on the home page, select the continent of destination, enter the departure and arrival dates, fill in your name, your email, your telephone number and click on “search travel insurance“. Then
you can compare the best plans and find the ideal travel insurance for your itinerary. know which travel insurance to choose.
Travel Tips readers can use our coupon FORTRAVELOVERS and guarantee 5% off the final price. See how to buy the best Travel insurance.