Here we tell you all about travel insurance for Slovenia and how to find the ideal one to enjoy your trip without worry.
Are you planning a trip to Slovenia? Remember that some items are very important, and one of them is Slovenia travel insurance, which is mandatory.
But when it comes to hiring, there are some doubts – How does travel insurance work? Which travel insurance to buy? Where to find the cheapest? What are the rules? And so on…
That's why we made a super complete guide to help you with all your doubts about travel insurance for Slovenia. Write it all down.
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- Is travel insurance mandatory?
- Learn more about the Schengen Treaty
- How to buy your travel insurance
- Discount coupon
- How to choose your travel insurance
- How to activate your insurance in an emergency
- Basic and additional travel insurance coverage
- Frequently asked questions about travel insurance
travel insurance Eslovenia is required?
The answer is yes, it is mandatory. If you're going to Slovenia or another European country, it's best to get your travel insurance.
All this because of Schengen Treaty which requires the contracting of travel insurance with medical and hospital coverage in the minimum amount of 30.000 euros for all tourists visiting Europe.

Schengen Treaty – Know the rules and participating countries
O Schengen Treaty is an agreement signed between 26 European countries that aims to establish free movement in participating countries. That is, you can travel and cross borders between them without going through any immigration.
However, this treaty also establishes the obligation to hire a Europe travel insurance with a minimum coverage of hospital medical assistance of 30 thousand euros.
The purpose of the Treaty is to ensure that the visitor can pay the possible medical expenses that may arise during the trip, including in the case of death.
The countries that are part of the Schengen Treaty are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia, Eslovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland.
Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus are still in the implementation phase. The UK and Ireland are not part of the Schengen Treaty.
How to buy travel insurance for Slovenia?
We use and refer to Promo insurance. The site compares insurance plans and values and finds the travel insurance for Slovenia that best fits your profile. All online very fast, simple and secure.
Enter the website, enter your details (e-mail and contact telephone), date of departure and return of your trip and the continent. A list of travel insurance plans will appear, just choose and compare travel insurance that best fits your profile and that's it.
Right after the purchase, you receive the insurance policy by email, a booklet with emergency contacts and guidelines and the Insured Manual with information on how to use coverage such as luggage insurance, pharmaceutical, hospital doctor, among others.
Keep these documents well and save the contacts on your cell phone. Also send a copy of these documents to a family member or friend in España. All this helps in the time of an emergency.
As a reminder, all Seguros Promo insurance companies have 24/7 service and are fully available in Portuguese.
Read more about Seguros Promo is reliable, learn everything here.
>> Get your travel insurance quote for Slovenia by clicking here.
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Tips for choosing your Slovenia travel insurance
Here are some tips that will help you decide the best travel insurance plan.
First, put the cities you are going to visit at the tip of the pencil. In your itinerary, try to think of all the details that can become eventualities on the trip:
- What activities will you practice – Extreme sports are part of the itinerary – surfing, skydiving, diving, etc.
- If you are – or have the chance – of being pregnant
- If there is a risk that the trip will be canceled for any reason
- If you want coverage if your luggage is lost (which we highly recommend)
- Your age – some plans only cover seniors up to 70
- Your trip is long
- Exchange
After this analysis, it is necessary to compare plans from each insurer and analyze the coverage values for each item. On the Seguros Promo website it is possible to compare up to 4 plans at the same time and also highlights the plans with the best cost-benefit. It will make your life a lot easier.
Seguros Promo has more than 30 travel insurance plan options from more than 9 insurers:
- Affinity
- Assit Trip
- April
- Assist Card
- Assist Med
- Intermac
- ITA Travel Card
- Travel Ace
- Universal Assistance
- My Travel Assist
How to use travel insurance in an emergency
In case of any eventuality, you must call the Assistance Center - free of charge and from anywhere in the world - at the telephone number that is informed in your policy (the one you received by email, remember?) . The service will always be in Portuguese.
Contact can also be made by email or whatsapp. Some insurers with Assist Card or ITA Travel they also have mobile applications that make communication even easier in case of emergencies.
Have your policy number and personal data ready. Tell the representative about your problem and he will give you the support you need to deal with unexpected situations.
If you can't get in touch, go to the nearest hospital or clinic for care. In this case, do not forget to ask for all receipts, invoices and medical report, to later request reimbursement from the insurance company.
Our columnist Virginia fell ill during a trip to Bali. “I had a fever of 40 degrees. We called travel insurance and they already booked an appointment at one of the best hospitals on the island (and one of the best I've ever been to!). The doctor was super helpful, he even gave us all the medicines, and we left without paying anything”
What does travel insurance cover?
Travel insurance coverage goes far beyond just medical and hospital assistance or compensation for lost luggage.
If you have a problem in traffic, for example, you can count on insurance. You can buy travel insurance that even offer legal assistance. It all depends on how much you want to spend and your priorities.
You can choose to choose basic insurance or hire additional services as well. Basic travel insurance coverage is:
- 24-hour medical, hospital and dental care
- medical transfer
- Sanitary return (in case the passenger is unable to return home as a regular passenger)
- Traveling body and death
- Total disability due to accident while traveling
We know it's very strange to think about some things, but the fact is that we don't know tomorrow. When purchasing your Slovenia travel insurance, make sure you purchase the plan that offers you the greatest value and coverage options.
Additional travel insurance coverage
As mentioned above, it is even possible to hire legal assistance in case of traffic accidents or coverage for flight delays. If you are willing to invest a little more, consider including one of these coverages in your Europe Travel Insurance.
Canceled trip:
We never know what can lead to a trip cancellation. Whether it's a volcano that erupted in the destination country that canceled flights or even a last-minute unforeseen event. This option covers the expenses of canceling the trip.
Early return:
This coverage provides compensation in case of early return to your country. If the insured needs to return before the trip due to an accident, he will not have to pay the expenses.
Baggage Expenses:
I'm tired of arriving at the airport and getting my brand new suitcase all torn up because of the carelessness of the airlines. And who never arrived at the destination and the suitcase was lost? These are things that often happen on trips. Hiring these services in your Europe Travel Insurance can be very worthwhile.
Legal Aid:
Hit a car and the local is threatening to take legal action against you? Travel Insurance Europe handles all these frustrating situations for you.
Extreme Sports Coverage:
Go diving, surfing, skiing or sky diving?. So don't think twice before hiring this service in your Travel Insurance.
Flight delays:
If your flight is delayed, you won't need to take money out of your pocket to pay for costs such as food, transport or hotel fees. Travel Insurance will reimburse you for all these expenses.
Which cities in Europe does Slovenia travel insurance cover?
The good news for anyone going to Europe is that it doesn't matter if you go trip to Portugal, to know Vienna in Austria or even the Russia. A single travel insurance covers all of Europe, even those outside the Schengen Treaty.
What does travel insurance not cover?
Travel insurance covers – almost – everything. However, there are some details that you need to be aware of, as the Europe Travel Insurance does not cover:
- Loss of Personal Property such as passport, jewelry, credit cards and checks
- Prosthetics, physical therapy or routine dental treatments
- Routine medical treatments
- psychiatric treatments
Carefully read your Slovenia travel insurance policy to find out what is and is not included in your coverage.
Questions and Answers about Slovenia Travel Insurance
We have separated the main doubts of our readers and put together a quick guide with all the quick questions and answers, to help you when buying your travel insurance for Slovenia.
How to get travel insurance for Slovenia?Through the Promo insurance. Enter your name, email, continent, departure and return dates of your trip, compare travel insurance plans. See the step by step here.
What is the best travel insurance for Slovenia?We indicate some with good coverage and value for money, Assist Trip 40 Inter, GTA 60 Euromax continue reading…
How much does Slovenia travel insurance cost?Basic travel insurance per person costs an average of R$10 per day, while a more complete one starts at R$26. Compare values here.
What is the cheapest travel insurance for Slovenia?O Travel Ace 40 Especial It costs just under R$10 a day. Compare values here.
What does travel insurance cover?24-hour medical, hospital and dental emergencies, medical transfer, medical return, body transfer in case of death, total or partial permanent disability continue reading…
How to activate travel insurance?Contact the insurance company's Assistance Center using the numbers provided in your insurance policy continue reading…
How does travel insurance coverage work?The Assistance Center will inform the hospital or clinic where the service will be and everything will be paid by the insurance company continue reading…
If you still have any questions about Slovenia travel insurance. Leave your comment and we'll help you...
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- International Travel Insurance Is it worth it?
- Travel Insurance Europe – Complete Guide on How to Hire
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- Promo Insurance is Reliable – The 8 Facts to Consider
- Interchange Travel Insurance – How It Works and Which is Best
- Documents to enter Europe in 2019, 2020 and post 2021
- Best Travel Insurance Europe – Our 4 Favorites
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