Esotericism, spirituality and mysticism. A country as diverse as ours in terms of beliefs and mysteries could not fail to offer ideal mystical destinations for those who enjoy and seek good vibes, energy and incredible, almost supernatural landscapes.
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Axé for those who are from Axé. Saravá for those who are from Saravá. Amen to those who are from Amen and so on…. How about making your next trip a journey? mysticism?
Here are five places in España to add to your wish list. Keep reading to check it out!
Serra do Roncador, Mato Grosso
Named after the noise of the winds against the rocky walls, the Serra do Roncador It is a paradise still little explored. Located in Barra do Garças, the Serra occupies a vast area that extends to the state of Pará, filled with waterfalls, rivers and mystical communities. The most famous of these is the Mystical and Ecological Sanctuary of Roncador, a grotto and temple complex situated in what some believe to be an energetic core of the earth.
The place is very popular for energizing rituals and treatments for illnesses, which are performed by the enigmatic leader of the community, the medium Dona Deusinha. Treatments are also performed using mysterious aluminum pyramids – which, despite weighing 400 kilos, float for patients to pass underneath in search of a cure. #believeitornot
There, there is talk of the strength of intra and extraterrestrial beings, in addition to the materialization of problems and diseases.
If you're curious about the destination, get ready: it's not easy to get there. The Sanctuary is located in the rural district of Cocalinho, 300 km from Barra do Garças, and does not accept visitors all year round. So check the mystical ritual calendar on the website.
For those who want to enjoy the natural beauty of the Serra, there are numerous tour options. Some of the best known are the visit to the Serra Azul State Park, 4km from Barra do Garças, which has a circuit of more than ten waterfalls; Caverna dos Pezinhos, made up of several footprints, none of which have five fingers – to the delight of ufologists; and the Águas Quentes Park, with several thermal pools.
Getting there: The easiest way is to go by plane to Goiânia, following by car to Barra do Garças. From there, you still need to take the BR 158 to Serra do Roncador by car or even by bus. Anyone who wants to experience the Sanctuary can ask for directions and book the bus directly with them.
Sao Tome das Letras, Minas Gerais
Located in Serra da Mantiqueira, the city of Sao Tome of Letras is 1.444 meters above sea level and has numerous waterfalls and caves, in addition to a very curious attraction, the Peanut Slope. Believe it or not: if you put the car in neutral and leave the handbrake released on this slope, contrary to what you might think, the car does not go down, but UP! Do not believe? So press play on the video below.
Science explains the phenomenon as an optical illusion, but many believe it is the magnetic force that pulls vehicles uphill.
All the mystical astral of São Tomé it is intensified by the architecture, in which most of the houses were built with stones. Among them, the one that most attracts the attention of visitors is the Pyramid House, which was abandoned in one of the highest points of the city – from where it is worth watching the sunset, with a 360º view of the region.
A curiosity: esotericists believe that there is a passage connecting São Tomé das Letras to Machu Picchu, in Peru. #legend
Getting there: It is possible to arrive via Três Corações, by means of a paved road, or via Baependi, via the Caminho Velho da Estrada Real.
Alto Paraiso de Goias
The region of Alto Paraiso it is considered the main mystical destination of the Central Plateau. The fame is due not only to the fact that it is the entrance to Chapada dos Veadeiros, but mainly to the huge geological plate of quartz crystal, with a thousand square meters, existing in the subsoil.
In addition, the 14th Parallel that passes through Machu Picchu also crosses Alto Paraíso. Such factors are attracting diverse esoteric communities to the region, such as Spiritualists, Buddhists, Oshoists and countless others.
For those who enjoy meditation and yoga practices, it is worth seeing the Ashram de Sri Prem Baba – Ashram é the Sanskrit name of the sacred place for spiritual practices, directed by a master.
O Ashram in Alto Paraíso it is called Novo Portal da Chapada and receives visitors during the periods when master Sri Prem Baba is in España. For those who want to make a longer visit, it is possible to stay in the local chalets or even camp at the Ashram. Those who are in a bit of a hurry can spend just the day, enjoying the practices of meditation, yoga, lectures, diving in waterfalls and natural pools, as well as taking walks on the trails.
Meals, always vegetarian, are included in the daily rates, which vary according to the season and have not yet been announced for 2016. For more information, check the site's website.
Getting there: Alto Paraíso is 230 km from Brasília and the route can be done by bus or car.
For those who are in the region, it is worth taking a look at Pirenópolis. The city has a very colonial style stamped on its houses, cobblestone streets and churches. What really catches the attention of tourists, however, are the numerous waterfalls on the outskirts of the city.
Salvador, Bahia
Religious syncretism finds its strongest expression in Bahia. There, in various cultural manifestations, the strength of African beliefs is present, which were associated with the images of Catholic saints to remain alive. So, the terreiros de candomblé – now listed by IPHAN (Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional) –, they keep much of the Brazilian culture. The best time to visit them is during the orixás festivities, which take place between August and December.
Two terreiros stand out in Salvador: the Terreiro do Gantois (Rua Mãe Menininha do Gantois, 23 – Federation), one of the best known in the country; and the Terreiro Casa Branca (Av. Vasco da Gama, 463 – Vasco da Gama), the oldest in Spain dating from 1830.
Another important celebration that attracts thousands of religious to Salvador is the Iemanja Festival, held on February 2, at Rio Vermelho beach. On that date, after several ceremonies that start the night before, the balaios (offering baskets) are offered to the orixá in the boat procession that leaves at 16 pm punctually. A good tip is to look for a high place with good visibility to be able to follow the beautiful rite.

Airbnb in Spain
Have you already defined your hosting? Searching for a stay can be challenging, depending on the location and/or time of year. That's why we recommend renting an airbnb on your trip. There are different houses, apartments, lofts or rooms for rent throughout Spain. It's safe, reliable and cost-effective. An experience that is worth it! CHECK HERE.
And you, ready to recharge your batteries in our mystic spain?
What you NEED to know BEFORE going to the mystical destinations
Are you full of things to think about and still have to plan your entire trip?
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Where to buy: PROMO TICKETS
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Where to buy: BOOKING.COM
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Where to rent: RENT CARS
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Note: We highly value the credibility of our information. All the sites we recommend above are sites we already use, we have good experiences and feedback from readers!
In addition, it is worth checking out other useful information for your trip:
- What to Pack in Your Suitcase – 17 Items You Can Never Forget
Read too
- The best hotels in Spain
- B&Bs in Sao Thome das Letras
- Hostels in Chapada dos Guimarães
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