How to get from Prague to Vienna

How to get from Prague to Vienna

Welcome to, your trusted source of information for planning your trips. In this article, we will provide you with all the details you need to know about traveling from Prague to Vienna, whether by train or bus. We will explore the most affordable transportation options, as well as schedules and ticket prices. Let's get started!

1. Train journey from Prague to Vienna

The train is one of the most popular and convenient ways to travel from Prague to Vienna. The duration of the train trip is approximately 4 hours, allowing you to enjoy the scenery as you move from one city to another. Plus, trains are typically comfortable and offer extra amenities like free Wi-Fi and reclining seats.

To find cheap train options, we recommend booking your tickets in advance. You can do it through the official website of the railway companies or use online booking platforms. Ticket prices vary depending on class of service and availability, but generally range between €20 and €50 each way.

Train schedules from Prague to Vienna are frequent, with departures from morning to evening. However, it is important to check updated schedules before your trip, as there may be seasonal changes or special events that affect scheduling.

2. Bus trip from Prague to Vienna

If you prefer a cheaper option to travel from Prague to Vienna, the bus is an excellent alternative. Buses are usually comfortable and offer basic amenities such as air conditioning and reclining seats. The duration of the bus trip is approximately 4 to 5 hours, depending on traffic and stops.

There are several bus companies that operate on this route, such as FlixBus, RegioJet and Eurolines. You can book your tickets through their official websites or use online booking platforms. Bus ticket prices are generally cheaper than train tickets, with fares ranging from 10 to 30 euros each way.

As with trains, bus schedules from Prague to Vienna are frequent, with departures throughout the day. However, we recommend checking updated schedules before your trip to make sure they fit your plans.

3. FAQ

What is the best transport option between Prague and Vienna?

The choice between the train and the bus depends on your personal preferences. If you value convenience and shorter travel time, the train may be the best option for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for a cheaper option and don't mind spending a little more time on the road, the bus may be the ideal alternative.

What is the travel time from Prague to Vienna?

Both the train and the bus have a similar travel time, around 4 hours. However, please note that this may vary depending on traffic, weather conditions and stops for buses.


In short, traveling from Prague to Vienna is easy and accessible by both train and bus. Both options offer different advantages, whether in terms of comfort or price. Remember to book your tickets in advance and check updated schedules to ensure a smooth trip. Enjoy your adventure between these two beautiful European cities!

Until next time,

The Team

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