How to get from Brussels to Ghent

How to get from Brussels to Ghent

Welcome to, your trusted source of information for planning your trips. In this article, we will provide you with all the transport options, schedules and recommendations for traveling from Brussels to Ghent. Whether you prefer the train, bus or other means of transportation, here you will find everything you need to know to make this journey comfortably and economically.

transportation options

There are several transport options to travel from Brussels to Ghent. Below, we present the most popular ones:


The train is one of the most convenient ways to travel from Brussels to Ghent. The journey time is approximately 30 minutes and trains depart frequently. You can check the timetables and buy tickets on the website of the national train company, SNCB. Remember that it is advisable to book in advance, especially in high season.


If you prefer to travel by bus, you can opt for the companies Flixbus and Omio. Both offer regular services between Brussels and Ghent at affordable prices. The buses are usually comfortable and have free Wi-Fi. You can check the schedules and book tickets on the websites of these companies.

Other means of transportation

In addition to train and bus, you can also consider other transportation options such as car sharing or renting a vehicle. If you decide to drive, keep in mind that the drive from Brussels to Ghent takes about an hour, depending on traffic.


Train and bus schedules may vary depending on the season and day of the week. It is advisable to consult the transport companies' websites for updated information on schedules. Remember that in high season there may be more train and bus frequencies.

Tips and recommendations

To make your trip from Brussels to Ghent as pleasant as possible, here are some tips and recommendations:

Book in advance

If you have the possibility, book your train or bus tickets in advance. This way, you can secure a seat and get better prices. Additionally, during high season trains and buses are more likely to be full, so it is advisable to book in advance.

Explore other transportation options

Don't just limit yourself to the train or bus. Consider other transportation options such as carpooling or renting a vehicle. This will give you more flexibility and freedom to explore both Brussels and Ghent and their surroundings.

Enjoy the journey

Whether you choose to travel by train, bus or other means of transportation, remember to enjoy the ride. Both cities have beautiful landscapes and you will be able to appreciate them during the trip. Bring good company, music or a book with you to make time go by faster.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the cheapest way to travel from Brussels to Ghent?

The cheapest way to travel from Brussels to Ghent is by train. Train tickets are usually cheaper than bus tickets and the journey is fast and comfortable. However, if you book in advance, you can also find deals and discounts on bus tickets.

2. How long does it take to get from Brussels to Ghent by car?

Travel time by car from Brussels to Ghent is approximately one hour, depending on traffic. However, be aware that there may be congestion on the roads, especially at rush hour. If you decide to drive, be sure to plan your trip with possible delays in mind.


Traveling from Brussels to Ghent is easy and convenient thanks to the various transport options available. Whether you choose the train, bus or other means of transportation, you can enjoy a comfortable and fast trip. Remember to book your tickets in advance, explore other transportation options and enjoy the ride. We hope this guide has been helpful in planning your trip! Until next time!

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