Do you want to do an exchange but still not convinced enough? We list ten reasons for you to start planning your trip now!
Few things in life are as enriching as a trip. Even better, is when this trip becomes a deep experience in another country, another culture, another language. It's not just getting to know the main tourist spots in the city, it's getting to know the best paths, the bars and restaurants that have more to your face, the neighborhoods that are worth knowing, the most delicious parks to enjoy with friends and always know what good shopping at that little market on the corner of your house that you love to frequent. It's making a new life in a new country. Meeting new friends, falling in love with a new culture, learning a new language and more than all that together: it's getting to know yourself.
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Saving a little money to have this experience is as fundamental as buying an apartment, a car or even paying for a wedding party. Exchange nowadays it has a lot to do with personal enrichment and an unforgettable phase of life.
Even better, you can choose the country that suits you the most to venture out on a journey of a few months around the world. Canada, United States, Chile, Ireland, Malta, England, New Zealand and Australia are some of the most chosen countries among exchange students. Egali Intercâmbios is one of the largest agencies in the world specializing in the subject and one of the best when it comes to studying abroad.
In partnership with Egali, we list 10 reasons that will make you want to travel for an exchange right now:
1- You will value little everyday things
Anyone who lives in España knows that insecurity is a factor that greatly hinders life in large cities. Getting to know a new country on an exchange is not having to worry about whether someone is going to rob you, if you have to lock the whole house, or even if it's safe to go out for ice cream at night. In the countries you choose to do exchange, the important thing is to enjoy the city. The feeling of security is enormous. You will appreciate a trip to the peaceful park, being able to ride a bike in peace and walk the city streets at night without any problems.
2 – You’ll Make Friends From All Over The World For A Lifetime – And Seriously
Life on the exchange gets much more intense. That's how it works with friendships too. It's very easy to make friends (because everyone will be the same as you when you get there) and the coexistence will be so intense, rich, shared and full of stories to tell that friendship becomes very great. And even after the trip it will still remain.
3 – You will have unforgettable travel experiences
Studying in another country means that on the weekend you can go out and explore your surroundings wherever you are. In Ireland, for example, every weekend I leave Dublin to discover the wonders of the country. You travel on your own journey.
4 – You will find that stepping out of your comfort zone is essential
It is very scary to leave everything and everyone we are used to to face a new experience alone, out in the world. This fear is what keeps many people in their comfort zone, always living what they are used to, without major surprises. It turns out that life is one. When we decide to face all this challenge, the reward is huge. Only those who have tried it and understand where all this happiness comes from.
5 – Personal maturity is impressive in a short time
Just facing the challenge of going, it seems that his maturity is already rising to new heights. You will learn so much, experience new things that are so beautiful, that when you go back to España you will think: “Wow, everything here remains the same, but I am no longer the same person who left here”.
6 – Maybe you will have work experiences too?
If studying is good, working is even better. There's no better scenario than making money while traveling. In addition, the experience is even more enriching, the language improves and the contact with the local culture is even greater.
7 – Your new worldview will make the problems in your life seem small
It's good to prepare yourself psychologically because your head and your thoughts will take on other dimensions during a exchange. That's because your worldview will change, your mind will open and the little problems of everyday life will seem so insignificant in the face of so much new, good, and amazing things that you will live abroad. Gossip, naughty bosses or even that stress with a dear one will seem like a lot of nonsense. What is important is to live in the present and be at ease with life and with everyone.
8 – You will discover more about yourself
It doesn't take a lot of time away from everything and everyone to find out more about yourself. Living elsewhere, your company will be yourself. It is you who will make new friends, you will have to buy your food, cook, wash clothes, and of course, enjoy your own company at different times. This experience is one of the most enriching – and great for self-esteem – of the entire process.
9 – The exchange will become the most unforgettable phase of your life
After so much personal growth, new friends and unforgettable trips, it's no wonder you'll never forget your exchange. you will go back to Spain, but your heart will still stay in the country where you lived so many new things. Gradually, you get used to the routine around family and friends, but the memories lived abroad will always stay with you.
10 – Oh.. and of course, you will come back speaking another language very well!
We know that the main objective of an exchange is to learn a different language, but the experience goes so far that learning a new language ends up being a backdrop! Of course, you will come back speaking another language very well, but in addition to acquiring this super knowledge, you will discover a lot about life, make new friends and remember this phase forever. Plus, you're likely to get an even better job with that resume you've built out there.

Is that you? Have you ever wanted to make one? exchange? If you want more about studying abroad, click the link HERE.
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